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Posts written by Sim4fun

  1. .
    Vado un minuto OT (ma non troppo) per segnalarvi una cosa che, onestamente, mi ha fatto venire un groppo in gola:

    E' un commento su un reblog che, stretto stretto, oltre a complimentarsi e ringraziare, ha gradito la creazione, in quanto la signora lo faceva per mestiere. Cinque anni fa le è stata diagnosticata la Fibromialgia, una malattia piuttosto debilitante.

    Ora, al di là del piacere per i complimenti ricevuti (complimenti che ovviamente vanno a tutto lo staff indistintamente), c'è anche il piacere (impagabile) di aver rallegrato, magari anche solo per qualche minuto, una persona che adora un mestiere ed è impossibilitata a proseguire su quella via (oltre a tanti altri problemi generati dalla malattia stessa).

    Ad AnnaMarie va tutta la mia stima, un forte abbraccio e, se mai dovesse leggere questo messaggio, tutto lo staff è lieto di averle fatto questo inaspettato (per noi) regalo!

    Lieti di rendervi lieti. Sempre e comunque! :)

    Edited by Sim4fun - 4/1/2019, 17:37
  2. .
    Hi Viva. We have a walkthrough for the forum CLICK HERE (unfortunately only in italian...but google translate may help you). Thank you so much for your lovely comment and don't hesitate to ask everything you need.

    See ya!
  3. .
    Visto finito e su una modella decente è un'altra cosa. Ti ringrazia Angelina Jolie! :D Stupendamente stupendo!
  4. .
    Lavoro grandioso come sempre. E mi sta venendo un'altra mezza idea...i fiori li ho piazzati, mo vedo se sparare anche questa meraviglia da qualche parte :D

  5. .

    Hi guys! Let me introduce my new mesh - Beauty Salon - for Sims 4!



    All items are new meshes! (Some of them heavily modified to fit perfectly with moveobjects).


    This set includes 19 items (yeah, i know, why not 20? I really don't know why...that's it!) and (this time no excuses :D) a .rar file with premade lot.

    For building you NEED the expansion pack At Work! (btw, I've used only some items from the expansion).


    1- Large Showcase
    2- Slim Showcase
    3 - Ceiling Light
    4 - Bench
    5 - Beauty Chair
    6 - Beauty Sink
    7 - Drier
    8 - Beauty Trolley 1 (red/black variants)
    9 - Beauty Trolley 2 (red/black variants)
    10 - Stool
    11 - Magazines Rack
    12 - Hairdrier (red/black variants)
    13 - Opened Scissors
    14 - Closed Scissors
    15 - Hair Brush (red/blue variants)
    16 - Product 1 (2 variants)
    17 - Product 2
    18 - Product 3
    19 - Product 4 (2 variants)






    The items (Except furniture) are only decoratives and can be found in Decoration/Misc category!


    To avoid problems with objects position, we recommend to use the cheat "bb.moveobjects". Press 0 and/or 9 on your keyboard to raise/lower your items.
    Furnitures doesn't have rigs for preassigned slot. Why? Because with standard rigs you should put only a few objects. So, i've choose the no-rigs way. I know that should be boring place every single item but, hey, do you wanna work or what? :)

    Don't claim as your own or re-upload! Recolor is allowed (just give credits to Sims Fans!). Thank you.

    All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

    Thanks to Melinda for Flower wall Stickers. You can find it HERE.

    Download Furniture

    Download Lot

    Edited by Sim4fun - 4/1/2019, 17:24
  6. .
    CITAZIONE (Bruja Valentina @ 20/6/2015, 21:30) 
    worked, thanks

    Nice. Happy Simming. :)
  7. .
    CITAZIONE (Bruja Valentina @ 20/6/2015, 17:07) 
    Congratulations, your work is spectacular. I'm very entertaining to my supermarket building, but a I have a problem. When I try to put the products on the shelves are far ahead or far behind. I have followed all the instructions, without result. I downloaded your supermarket, by placing it in the world is perfect, but if I move any product I can not put it in its original position. I would appreciate your help.

    Uh, ok, i've got the problem. When pick the item(s) with mouse left click (after that you have activated bb.moveobjects, of course!) press and hold the key ALT on your keyboard while you move the object(s).

    When you find the position that you need, RELEASE mouse button (DON'T RELEASE ALT key or item will go away). It's a little trick when using MoveObjects (not so much people know this tip).

    Let me know if issue persist and thank you so much for your nice feedback! :)

    PS: When you've finished with your creation, it would be great to see it.
  8. .
    Bravissima Linduzza! E so anche dove usarli a breve! :D
  9. .
    Ah però! Ti ho già detto che il Venus è uno spettacolo? :)
  10. .
    La mia lista sarebbe troppo diciamo che (a parte il capostipite per PSX) un gran bel gioco che ho giocato e rigiocato sino alla nausea è stato Devil May Cry 4.

    A suo tempo ci avevo fatto anche un promo con le scene salienti (SPOILER ALERT: Se avete intenzione di giocarci NON visionatelo...nerd avvisato...)

    Il video è di 5 anni fa...quindi se vedete qualche imperfezione grafica, un po di stuttering e affini è tutto perfettamente normale. Possibilmente da guardare in HD.

  11. .
    Ok, we can make a test. I will save and export my supermarket (the same that you can say in photos in this discussion).

    Download the archive CLICK HERE, open .rar file and extract all files inside your Tray folder.

    Launch the game and go in Build Mode. Enter the cheat bb.moveobjects and check it's active with confirm (Move Objects is ON).

    Only then, go to your Library, select Market you have downloaded just a few seconds ago and try to put it in a free lot. I will attach a short video tutorial:

    You can do the same thing with your market. Save it as lot or room and, before place it in a free space, make sure that MoveObjects is active. I hope you can solve that problem. By the way, i'm planning to do a big mall with various shops (and market too, of course) so check the forum often. :)
  12. .
    Semplicemente Stupefacente. Nient'altro da aggiungere. Bravissima Mary!
  13. .
    CITAZIONE (Leticia Martin Luque @ 19/6/2015, 12:50) 
    Thank you for everything, I think that already it me works, thank you for your help!!!! I wait not to have to bother, kisses

    I'm glad to hear about that. Good game and happy simming! :)
  14. .
    Ok, i will try to explain better.

    Open the game and load a saved game.

    When you are in world map (as screen you posted) enter command bb.moveobjects (not b.b.). When you have confirm that cheat is activated, enter your market.

    If it still doesn't work (and the code is correct), try this one:

    I will assume that you have saved the market in your library, right? So, start a new game and, before place the lot/room, do the same thing: in world map enter the cheat bb.moveobjects (again, make sure the code is correct) and only after the confirm enter the lot.

    Let me know if issue is solved.
  15. .
    CITAZIONE (Leticia Martin Luque @ 19/6/2015, 01:34) 
    CITAZIONE (Sim4fun @ 19/6/2015, 01:27) 
    Uhm ok, guess you've saved your lot before quitting the game. So try this way:

    Open Sims 4 and click on Load button. Pick your save point you made for your market (I hope you have made one, ofc).

    When slot is loaded, BEFORE entering in your lot, press CTRL+SHIFT+C and put in the text box the cheat: bb.moveobjects then press Enter to confirm.

    Here's a screenshot:


    Only after you have confirm that cheat is active, click on your market lot and all items should be on their position.

    Let me know if everything is ok.

    Thank you very much, tomorrow I try it and I'll try, thanks for your help, you're fantastic! I hope run me, tomorrow I tell you something, kissing

    Everything will be ok. I've tested it just right now. If you have a saved slot for market, just remember to activate cheat in world mode.
    Just let me know (tomorrow, no problem) if it works. Bye and thanks for visit! :)
1200 replies since 4/9/2014